Forex Data Downloader – Updates

MoneyTec Forums Tools of the Trade Forex Data Downloader – Updates

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  • #1294
    • 552

    Can anyone elaborate on how to get CSV data into metastock

    Idiots version please


    • 552

    Here’s my method:

    Save a file from MetaTrader ‘eurusd60.csv’ to a folder

    Open file in wordprocessor ?????? mine’s WordPerfect
    ‘Convert File Format’ popup:
    ‘Convert file format from: ASCII DOS text’ dropdown menu ?????? OK
    change ‘.’ date separators to ‘/ ‘
    remove ‘,’ separators between DTOHLCV replace with 3 (?) spaces
    ( NB: changing the . to / and , to spaces can be done with the Find/Replace tool, but, may not be able to be done within the wordprocessor ?????? not sure why. In that case use Excel or if you have Wordpad installed that’ll also F/R. Same problem if ‘-‘ is used as a date separator.)
    SaveAs/ASCII(DOS)Delimited Text (not sure what ‘delimited’ is, presume ‘ASCII DOS text’ works) save to for eg:
    ‘Ascii price data’ folder.

    Open The Downloader

    Tools/Convert ‘Convert Securities’ menu:
    FileType: ASCII
    Folder: where you previously SaveAs file to
    File Name: SaveAs name
    FileType: MetaStock
    Folder: where in MS you want file to go
    Ticker Symbol popup: use same or alternate SaveAs name ?????? OK

    The file format data is saved as by the data supplier doesn’t mean much, it’s the formatting of the data that usually requires reformatting; csv = comma separated values.
    I SaveAs ASCII because the data is used by both MS and another charting program.
    You may need to do some reformatting tests before you’re able to display a chart with MS from your converted file, so just reformat/convert 6 lines of data first rather than a whole file to learn what you have to do.
    If there’s a first or last line of text above/below the price data delete it.
    The date format is often the conversion problem: MT’s format is acceptable to MS: ddmmyyyy. Some data may be dmyy then change to ddmmyy ?????? a ‘0’ isn’t used before single digits ?????? just ‘2’ instead of ’02’, so that mixed date formating may be rejected during conversion. Also a ‘-‘ might be used for a date separator which has to be changed to /.
    Date order may be newest first, oldest last which I change to oldest first, newest last, not sure if that needs to be done.
    Conversion takes place unless there’s some formatting error, an error message will appear but no indication what the error is.
    Conversion takes place with no error but chart cannot be displayed, an example of that might be the mixed date formatting. Another example would be after adding a history update to the file, a reformatting ‘mistake’ was made; save the correctly formatted 6 lines data file so you’ll have correctly formatted data to compare with if you have a conversion problem.

    • 552

    Hi Wallace

    First dumb question…..

    I have opened the file in Word and Excel but cannot find where to Convert the file format to ASCII


    • 552

    Hi LearnFX, no that’s just the WordPerfect’s way of doing things.
    With Word you just dbl click on the csv file, or, Open, folder, set ‘All files’ in the Open menu ‘Files of Type’ to see the csv file format where it’s stored, then dbl click on the file.

    • 552

    Developing various datafeeds is my hobby

    I’ve created charts on some datafeeds

    my site is here:

    there are 4 datafeeds from various sources available
    1. Russian stock market
    2. American stock market
    3. Forex
    4. Dukascopy data feed

    You can download data as
    -Web service

    If some question appears – i’m ready to answer…

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